Wednesday 12 October 2016

Saturday 1 October 2016

10 Popular WordPress Email Subscription Plugins [Free & Premium]


A robust email subscription list is the key to any successful online business regardless of the niche you’re in. A powerful email list not only helps you get more traffic but also lets you make a stronger bond with your audience. Its ability to generate online profit effectively makes it a cardinal marketing strategy of any website. Once you have a robust list, it becomes much easier to convince your trusted audience about your products, thus making the conversion process easier.

Now the biggest question comes – How do you get more subscribers? Unquestionably, professionally designed optin forms along with some enticing incentives to subscribe are essential for developing email list optins. And with all these, you’ve to make sure maximum visibility of the optin form on your website to attract more and more visitors.

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7 Proven Methods To Optimize Your Thank You Page For Increasing ROI


Where do you usually send your visitors immediately after they’ve completed a certain task on your blog/landing page?

Where do they go after they’ve completed a sign-up form or after they’ve purchased a product from you?

That next page is very important and will determine whether or not you’re leaving money on the table.

  • That next page is your Thank You page.

You know that page which takes you a few seconds to put together? That’s the one I’m talking about.

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Why Are Your E-mail Subscribers Inactive? 12 Solutions (with Downloadable Templates)


Every single marketing or product blog suggests you start building an e-mail list. The number one method of doing this is by giving away an e-book, or a course, or something that is somehow valuable around your niche and in turn, capturing a reader’s e-mail information.

This is good advice because e-mail marketing works by distributing your content and making sales of your products.

But most of the advice stops there.

They talk about e-mail collection strategies, but do not go beyond that.

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How To Capture Email Using Interactive Content [Quizzes, Poll, Tests]


It’s a no-brainer that content upgrades are one of the best ways to create a highly targeted email list.

Did you ever wonder what would happen if you added quizzes as a content upgrade for lead generation?

Well, it would not only increase your lead generation by 200% but it would also increase your overall user engagement by a similar margin.

Many big brands are already using quizzes to capture leads & if you haven’t started using them yet, you can start doing it today.

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Creating Email Marketing Strategies that Convert: Guide to A/B Testing


ewsletters and email campaigns are a great way to establish rapport with potential and existing customers and improve brand loyalty.

This is because for email campaigns, you’re targeting a sort-of pre-qualified base:people who are willing to receive information from you. It’s likely that most of these people have already conducted business with you, and as we know, retaining old customers is much easier and cheaper than getting new customers.

This is why it is extremely important to conduct A/B tests if you want to try out new layouts of techniques on your email marketing campaigns.

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The post Creating Email Marketing Strategies that Convert: Guide to A/B Testing appeared first on Android Apps.